How to add Google reCAPTCHA v3 in Elementor - in Less Than A Minute

Here is how to add reCAPTCHA v3 in Elementor and Elementor Forms in no time!

featured image - elementor recaptcha

Updated April 2, 2024.

Time of reading: 1 min

Level of Difficulty: Beginners

🦔 You can skip to a specific step if you have already done a thing or two from the list.

Register a new site

Let’s being. First, open Google reCAPTCHA Admin Console. You might be asked to login with your e-mail if you haven’t. 

You can quickly ‘Switch to create a classic key

switch to create a classic key

Quick tip. While creating a classic key reCAPTCHA is quicker and ligher, you can still decide to use reCAPTCHA Enterprise if you are working with any type of ‘softer data’ such as client accounts, client credentials or if you are offering payment methods to customers or visitors. 

What you have to do next is:

  • Type a name for ‘Label’. It can be the same as your Domain name.
  • Choose ‘reCAPTCHA v3’ as the latest by Google validation method to distinguish between genuine website visitors from bots or any other malicious attempts. We don’t want no pirates on board.
  • Write down your domain name under ‘Domains’
  • Submit your Site registration using the ‘Submit’ at the bottom of the page.
recaptcha in Elementor

Add reCAPTCHA v3 to your Elementor Site

Alright sailor, after submitting you will be taken to a page where you can see your Site Key and Secret Key.

Now go to your WordPress Dashboard and go to Elementor Settings.

Navigate to ‘Integrations’ in the Tabs of the Settings.

Integration Settings

Perfect, copy your given ‘Site Key’ and place it under reCAPTCHA V3.

Do the same with your ‘Secret Key’.

Make sure you are not placing it under ‘reCAPTCHA’ which is above reCAPTCHA V3 on the integrations list. It happens sometimes in the hurry. 

Site and Secret Key - Elementor recaptcha

Make sure to navigate to the bottom of the page and click ‘Save Changes’

Add reCAPTCHA v3 on your Contact Forms in Elementor

Hip hip Hooray…but not yet!

You need to add reCAPTCHA V3 on your Contact Forms in Elementor through Elementor Page Builder.

This is made easy.

1. First, open a page where you have a contact form made with Elementor.


2. Find your contact from and click on the pencil in the corner ‘Edit From’.

contact form

3. Under ‘Form Fields’ – add a new item using ‘ + ADD ITEM”.

reCAPTCHA v3 in Elementor

4. Choose ‘reCAPTCHA V3‘.

5. Update and re-open the page.

Now you will have a small square window telling you that reCAPTCHA V3 is active for your desired contact form and page. Make sure you do it for all contact forms on your website.

privacy and terms

Now hats in the air!

You have now added reCAPTCHA V3 on your Elementor site!